Thursday, June 27, 2013

Final Burbs

Oh MDIA 3110, how did I love thee.

I really enjoyed this as an online class. The structure is perfect for online learning. Some classes just shouldn’t be conducted online due to structure adherences, question or answer availability or project arrangement, but seeing that this class deals directly with media criticisms, then having the class conducted over the web really makes sense. I like that we had access to television shows on Hulu and that the content was very relatable for our professions. I’ve had plenty of classes that I feel were a waste of time, but this one was really well targeted and organized.

I also really liked the use of Blogger over Blackboard. It was nice to able to see what our classmates thought over a Blog rather than a stuffy discussion board.

I didn’t really not enjoy anything about this class other than the fact I took it along with 5 other online classes so sometimes I was overwhelmed with loads of other work. This class however offered a more relaxed vibe and I enjoyed it more overall.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the summer! I’m off to Lexington, KY to film a movie with Kevin Sorbo and Booboo Stewart (yes Hercules and that guy from Twilight). Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck on your movie! Sounds like fun.

  2. Sounds like you're super busy with Hercules and Booboo! Haha! Enjoy! And thanks for your thoughtful contributions to the class!
